


楼主: hillkong


发表于 2009-10-22 14:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
偷渡本身就是一個罪,not because what u said. it's illegal.
$ h' T3 G5 c7 E! U, sziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-22 08:08

; {9 G$ s7 F. D% A7 D# s5 {7 f- U5 l) x; i% A: c/ k

3 ]3 h; w$ x$ v* [; f2 o% B   
5 c! p! C) Y# T, Xillegal is not criminal....completely different!!!9 {1 N( U* z6 v! c- p

9 O# f- f2 ]- v0 z6 R7 }* KYou illegally pass red light when u driving.MAN!! See what you had done, everyday possiblly had something illegally happened, but not criminal...
发表于 2009-10-22 14:34:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-10-22 16:12:52 | 显示全部楼层
21# gws110 ; M/ w! K  a- R2 x5 R, A: ^
% A+ L9 b" z  ^7 S* t
8 j9 F; [" l7 f# X" q# J/ v
    that's why they called illegal immigrant?'s that different..they came to america illegally .....sooo,,it's against the law, and illegal can mean crime too.。。when u're illegal, u broke the law. it's a crime.。。就是嚴重很不嚴重的問題。!. ..past the red light's a u get a ticket for that or if it get serious enough, u need to go to court...that's breaking the law...
发表于 2009-10-22 16:22:50 | 显示全部楼层
correction...是嚴重和不嚴重的問題。。。。not 很!~。。
发表于 2009-10-22 19:18:52 | 显示全部楼层
gws110 ( O2 z' J; N) u4 Y  g( j* W2 x7 [

. U/ I7 M; ^* u' ~0 H8 d! A5 V( \1 `5 O" C
    that's why they called illegal immigrant?'s that different..they came to ame ...
/ s7 R& t$ S; W, ?. w2 B* P/ cziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-22 16:12

0 o, Q" r% o# C) O
+ T% N" z" a: G5 Z) @3 o/ l; {agree to 严重不严重的说法。但是:
* ]0 F9 U* k* i3 g5 j( i
5 y. P* L- S5 B  M& ]* l0 B' WIllegal actions includ your car illegally parked and blocking my drive way...You are not supposed to be arrested and sent to the jail for this..haha....CRIMES are more dangerious actions not include all common illegal action..ONLY those Illegal Actions Definited by the federal crimal law.....; q3 l0 l1 b9 \

' m+ e! q( p4 }# C9 Z: Swhen you are driving, you might illegally do something, for examples:. T& a9 s, V  F  m$ Z# }
breaking the law of administration if not following the traffic signs. Your License might be revoked.
. R; s2 {9 E- Y# b5 z) Dbreaking the law of civil property protection if grind other's flower on the sideway. You had to pay for the damage.
/ x6 M( C; P  U3 \& r' Kbreaking the law of criminal if made any fatal accident at your fault. NOW you are going to be a criminal suspect..( ^" i& |* ]3 n- E' R

) ^, U2 g/ h! N1 F& e" o# F1 F1 PThe POINT is: people breaking a immigration law IS NOT breaking a criminal law.
1 v9 e% p# W2 {" ]7 }5 @
6 u& m6 b( ~) L# `" p2 I. u" T" K/ }; x6 O0 `. z
illegal action is breaking the the law and orders, but illegal not criminal, definitely..% D# T! x: Q- g# W. d# c. g
criminal is illegal, but only limited to the action illegally breaking the law of criminal, clearly definited by the criminal difinitions: special actions, intentions and consequences ...
发表于 2009-10-22 19:29:45 | 显示全部楼层
noooo..not all crimes are dangerous download music!, everybody download music from chinese website right?..and u know u can fine for millions of dollars and send to jail when the government find out that u download music illegally?..illegal immigrant cause financially lost to american government...that's a crime...illegal immigrant who come in without proper paper works..that's a crime..and u will be send to jail for that! after they get in to america. the thing they bought, the tax they didn't paid? all crimes!!...and they going for the social security shit...that's a crime!....
发表于 2009-10-22 19:32:03 | 显示全部楼层
and oh...illegally download music from limewire is against federal law......
发表于 2009-10-22 19:35:06 | 显示全部楼层
and...immigrantion law is a federal law...something i thought u might want to know..they called..federal immigrantion law.
发表于 2009-10-22 19:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
and ONLY illegal action thingy..well, 偷渡就是一種illegal basically what u wrote on ur last comment is agreed with me that 他們有犯罪。。。謝謝。
发表于 2009-10-22 19:37:57 | 显示全部楼层
The POINT is: people breaking a immigration law IS NOT breaking a criminal law.
9 Z7 ~  ^/ \# O) h& q3 |: ?" A# k9 w& O) p* R* N: L
" Z; i* `( G; O# r! ?
illegal action is breaking the the law and orders, but illegal not criminal, definitely..
2 Y& _! J  ^  ^- u( M8 ^criminal is illegal, but only limited to the action illegally breaking the law of criminal, clearly definited by the criminal difinitions: special actions, intentions and consequences ...
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