ziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-1 12:00:10


ay, it's funny that how u just going to kick someone out because they speak english? i doubt yall didn't say english at all?...that's some shitty ass move nigga. that's fuck up too....fuck dis shit..

MaMaMia 发表于 2009-10-1 12:12:12

hey, man, take it easy...唉, 小p孩, 沉不住气

m3piggy 发表于 2009-10-1 12:14:26

chill out.....

ziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-1 12:15:56

no, that's fuck up....i doubt that nigga never say a fuckin english..not even a word in that group...he should think about kick his sorry ass out too...

sandy 发表于 2009-10-1 12:26:52

娜弟啊,be nice。。。主要应该不是你说英文的缘故。。。

千岁寒 发表于 2009-10-1 12:31:03

ziggiyzong 说话请客气一点,Q群我做主。认为你不适合在总群的,踢你没商量。(victory)

sandy 发表于 2009-10-1 12:35:53


ziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-1 13:02:28

那请问,你刚才除了英文还为了什么t。。。他明明说了。说英文,t。。fuck that..i know yall know each other but shit..that's not fair...soo..stop acting like u know everything.

ziggiyzong 发表于 2009-10-1 13:03:51


sandy 发表于 2009-10-1 13:06:56

ziggiyzong ,可以讲道理,不可以再骂人,警告一次,我先让你禁言。。。之后你姐回来,跟她说我找她。谢谢!
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